SaaS AdLab Podcast | Episode: 7 | Guillaume Moubeche – Founder: Lemlist

Table of Contents

Luis Camacho from Fantôm Agency had the pleasure to interview Guillaume Moubeche from lemlist on the SaaS AdLab Podcast.

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✅ What lemlist is all about, and how Guillaume was able to find a pain point in a highly saturated industry.
✅ Why dehumanizing your audience can lead to low response rates, and how lemlist can help.
✅ What problems show up when your SaaS product experiences very rapid growth.
✅ How content marketing allows lemlist to decrease churn rate and educate it’s users not only on their product but outreach as a whole.
✅ Why listening to customer feedback is extremely important but you should always know where you want your company to go and learn to say no.

Learn more about Guillaume Moubeche and what lemlist is able to provide to its customers.

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