SaaS AdLab Podcast | Episode: 11 | Alexander Isora – Founder: Unicorn Platform

Table of Contents

Luis Camacho from Fantôm Agency had the pleasure to interview Alexander Isora from Unicorn Platform on the SaaS AdLab Podcast.

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✅ What Unicorn Platform is all about, and how Alexander was create a product by using what he’s passionate for as a driver for innovation.
✅ How understanding consumer behavior allowed Alexander to come with the proper pricing model to achieve higher LTVs.
✅ Why “Thinking Time” and making lists are essential not only to productivity but also to avoid the “Dumb Tax”.
✅ How creating a community reduces churn and allows him to “step out” by creating product promoters.
✅ Why connecting with a mentor or business coach will allow you to step out of your comfort zone and keeps you focused on what matters.

Learn more about Alexander Isora and what Unicorn Platform is able to provide to its customers.

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