Luis Camacho
Welcome to the SaaS AdLab Podcast, were we bring you the stories of successful entrepreneurs and CEOs. My name is Luis. I’m the owner and founder of Fantôm Agency, a digital marketing agency that specializes in SaaS companies. Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Jeff. He’s the co-founder of Direct Heroes a software company that allows you to send out campaigns of direct messages through Instagram. Pretty cool. And obviously, I’ll let him talk a little bit more about that. So thank you so much for being on here today.
Luis Camacho
It’s a pleasure having you on.
Jeff MacPherson
Awesome. Thanks for having me.
Luis Camacho
And why don’t you tell us a little bit more about the company and then essentially how it kind of all got started?
Jeff MacPherson
Well, I started working online five years ago, so I’m twenty-six now. So just before I turned twenty-one started e-commerce, I invented a smartphone case and when I first got them in from over over overseas, it was one of those things I actually didn’t know how to market. So the first thing I did was jump on Instagram and start getting into kind of influencer campaigns, influencers shoutout charging product for shoutouts instead to kind of get the product moving.
Jeff MacPherson
But what I found was there’s a lot of people and a lot of influx through the direct messaging that I just wasn’t able to keep up with. Fortunately for me it was a really good product, did really well for the time being, but my like I burnt myself out doing everything and I was always more of a tech guy anyways. I was always kind of in that field. So I ended up selling off the smartphone company. It did did well and went right into the text space kind of understanding, just messaging in general, because this is when the Facebook Messenger chat bots were really kind of coming afloat and then they started to really scale.
Jeff MacPherson
So then me just knowing Instagram, kind of understanding the platform like the back of my hand, I was like, there’s got to be something out there that I can do this for. My direct down line because I was in a couple affiliate programs is kind of teaching people the business and all that stuff. I couldn’t find anything, so I said, nope, enough’s enough. I completely stopped all my affiliate companies training people, all that stuff. And I hired my first developer in December 2016, developing skills, nothing.
Jeff MacPherson
We started working on it and what we’d actually started out as was kind of like a seven day follow up sequence is what we wanted to do through direct messaging. And then again following kind of the Facebook Messenger platform is kind of how we’ve evolved into what we have now. Now, additionally, with on Instagram, is it user name is not owned by the actual account? Yes, we have X amount of followers on it, but if for some reason your account gets shut down or Instagram decides that, no, we’re not going to run Instagram anymore, you lose all those people.
Jeff MacPherson
So we want to teach people how to start collecting their data, the people’s information off them. So by consent. So provide first and provide last time all that additional stuff and then starting to build a list within your direct messaging before you actually take them into your marketing list and stuff like that. And then additionally, it’s just a chat bot that a lot of people already know. So the direct message conversation, you set up different flows that direct people based on conversation, tagging them based on answers, segmenting them into different flows based on actions they take.
Jeff MacPherson
We also track the analytics of your account. So when somebody connects the account to direct heroes, there’s the account of the whole engagement of followers. But then we wanted to track it on individual subscriber basis. So subscriber somebody who enters a campaign asking you for that, what you’re trying to provide to them, track their analytics on how much they engage and what they do on your profile, because we want people to be able to run marketing campaigns based on how much engagements on your profile, because with Direct Heros, I try and teach people for different types of ROI.
Jeff MacPherson
And if you look at the model as a whole, it can be super valuable. So you can get into ads and get people direct messaging, which is great because you don’t have to worry about growing your accounts in a different way anyways. We get people to subscribe into our campaigns, which is one.
Jeff MacPherson
So somebody who messages you for that value proposition, whatever that may be, over value, over value, over value. And then we gain them as a follower just because you provide them with so much value that they just have no reason not to follow you.
Jeff MacPherson
Additionally, with coming to follow it, continuing to provide them value, they’re going to. And every time you message them, they’re natively on your app. Every time they get that message, your engagement will grow as well with with the first three ROIs.
Jeff MacPherson
If you can do those extremely well and actually focus on those three and not the back end sales, your sales will just roll in with it because you’re not you’re not selling any more. You’re building a brand and people talk about the brand and that’s how it’s continued to snowball.
Jeff MacPherson
So in the beginning, you might not get as many sales. But again, once we gain these people subscribers, we can set up exclusive campaigns and broadcast messages to them at a later date natively on the Instagram app. That’s never been done before
Luis Camacho
That’s really, really awesome and essentially this is all conversational marketing, right, where you get everything. And if I’m familiar with what you’re saying so far, it’s very, very similar to something like Many Chat, but it’s only on Instagram.
Jeff MacPherson
Jeff MacPherson
So we’re not obviously many chats a lot a lot older than we are in terms of development, but in terms of our development. Anything that you can do on the Facebook Messenger box is where we are going with the Instagram direct messaging bot.
Luis Camacho
And maybe this is a hard question to answer, but why do you think that someone like Many Chat hasn’t made the the the switch into Instagram, is it because it’s very different demographics using the the the platforms or is it just not their focus?
Jeff MacPherson
So this is kind of that million-dollar question. A lot of hurdles that I’ve had to overcome, so. Unofficially, Facebook is in the process of developing the API for direct message marketing, so it is in that gray area of not official to Instagram. So Many Chat’s doing extremely well with Facebook. So they’re focusing on that. It’s official they’re partners with Facebook, but nobody in the world can be official partners with Instagram right now, unofficially. So that’s kind of it’s more of where that, I guess, test market case.
Jeff MacPherson
But what we’ve seen in terms of trends and who we’ve spoken to in all those is they’re in the process of developing that API for the direct message marketing. And in the new year, they set up where you can boost a post on your page and your stories, your Instagram stories. People can direct message directly from the ads.
Jeff MacPherson
So, if you had an ad set up and you put. Huge amount of money into it, and it was just perfect, add set the creative with perfect and everybody who’s seen it track message you there is no way….
Luis Camacho
You could get back to every single person.
Jeff MacPherson
So there’s just there’s little things like that which is like, OK, great, they’re working on it. They’re working on it, which is, which is good. And every month or two there’s something else there was released where they’re working on cross platform messaging with WhatsApp, direct messaging, Facebook Messenger.
Jeff MacPherson
So there’s a lot of stuff in the works. And it’s kind of one of those things where message marketing, communication, marketing is a huge part of businesses now.
Jeff MacPherson
And people who aren’t joining them, whether it be on Facebook and other platforms like WhatsApp, is in the process of rolling it out as well. You’re really going to get left behind. So Instagram is one of those platforms that they will have to do it. It’s just when they will. We’re just we’re just ahead of the trend, which is fantastic.
Luis Camacho
Yeah, that’s great. And to get along a little bit more on the personal side, what’s been one of the hardest things to deal with as you build this as it’s such a young company still.
Jeff MacPherson
Well, like any business, I guess, like you go through the ups and downs, like it’s been two years now since I’ve started developing it, so I guess kind of being self because for myself, like I have my developers overseas, so people I’ve never met before.
Jeff MacPherson
So you’ve got to build trust pretty quick. I’ve always gone with my gut instinct, but again, there’s a lot of and I’ve bootstrapped this thing from day one, so I haven’t got the investors. So it’s not like the real whole lump sum of money coming in from behind as well is kind of making sure that you can stay motivated in this work for any business is finding something that you love to do because there’s a lot more dark days anind startups than there is positive days.
Jeff MacPherson
And I can account for that because for the last two years it’s been growing and I’ve been getting good feedback and customers are happy. And then you’ve got really good friends that support you, like online friends and family. And those are the things that kind of keep you going through those crapier days. But the biggest thing is when you wake up and you’re working with a client and they say this worked they’re super excited, they just want to do the next thing with you, with the platform, because, again, it’s tech.
Jeff MacPherson
There’s there can be a lot of bugs, especially in the beginning and as you’re building it. But everybody that I’ve worked with is been fantastic in the people that have came have given me great feedback to be able to build this platform out.
Jeff MacPherson
So I’ve taken, I guess the patience is that biggest thing is kind of learning it and understanding it and being able to stick with it, because I wanted to build a platform that people wanted, not that I thought that they would need. So has the process been a lot longer? Yeah, sure. I have made money a year and a half ago, probably, but I’ve just stayed true to what I wanted to develop. And were the lights at the end of the tunnel now?
Jeff MacPherson
And there’s just so many people interested in using it, which is fantastic.
Luis Camacho
And if I’m correct, I remember I think I saw on one of the Facebook groups I saw somewhere that I think was it that Gary Vaynerchuk reached out to or he followed you guys or he became a customer?
Jeff MacPherson
No, we don’t have we do not have him as a customer. We were how do I word this?
Jeff MacPherson
We were in talks with some brand some brand managers within within their bubble Id’ say.
Luis Camacho
Very cool.
Luis Camacho
That’s awesome.
Jeff MacPherson
I know we’ve got some we’ve got some like we had Typeform on our page where people could go and kind of answer the questions. But we’ve had a lot of pretty big influencers reach out, which is fantastic, a lot of amazing calls, a lot of amazing people that we’ve been able to have conversations with can get their feedback. A lot of amazing people that we’ve been able to work with. We keep everything pretty hush hush for who we work with and kind of how we do it, because, again, we’re still proving out the platform to the masses.
Jeff MacPherson
So, yeah, now it’s been it’s been really good of who we work with and who is coming on board very shortly.
Luis Camacho
That’s awesome man. And as far as getting the actual product out and what kind of features you want to start adding to the platform, or not adding how are you funny? How are you doing the research or how are you asking for feedback from people? Are you only going to people that are currently using it or are you going to people that might be, for example, your ideal customers?
Jeff MacPherson
I guess there’s a couple of ways of looking at that. So the people using the platform, they’re kind of giving me feedback within the UI, stuff like that, what they are doing in terms of their business, because it wasn’t always kind of that one percent influencer that was on. It was more midsize businesses who might not be scaling as fast or have the money to put behind it. What I’ve done is I’m in contact with a lot of Facebook messenger bot builders, people that have that’s what they do for a living.
Jeff MacPherson
So I’ve made the relationships there with a lot of amazing people and kind of get their feedback. OK, so in terms of Facebook Messenger bots, what do you love the most? What do you need and what I shouldn’t focus on it. All the things that I shouldn’t focus on at all and the things that we need are the things that we’re we’re adding right away. And then as these customers continue to come in, they want other features because the base of the platforms, the messaging is pretty, pretty straightforward based on triggers.
Jeff MacPherson
The next message goes out and so on and so forth. The analytics, same thing. It’s about kind of seeing the profile and then reporting it, but the bells and whistles in terms of Web hooks and API access so we can integrate into Sky’s the limit, really when you when you get into that sort of thing.
Jeff MacPherson
Those are kind of the conversations I’ve had. Take a lot of the pros from the Facebook, Facebook Messenger bots, take all the cons and then kind of filter them out to say what do we need on Instagram? And then work with a lot of Instagram influencers who are getting thousands and thousands of messages a day and how they want to have those messages, because Facebook, I think, is more of a sales platform, Instagram I want people to focus, focus on engagement, personal, personal approach and not actually burn their accounts just by I don’t want Instagram to turn into another Facebook.
So that’s kind of the approach I’m taking.
Luis Camacho
That’s a good point and I mean, it’s it’s true, though, right? And I’ve been part of some very and you see how I don’t know if you’ve been familiar with this thing, but essentially, like when you kind of surround yourself with influencers, they’ll have their own groups and then they’ll send out, for example, they’ll say, hey, here’s my latest picture, like it and stuff like that.
Luis Camacho
And then everyone that’s part of the group goes and likes it. It’s just this kind of like, I don’t know, it’s almost like a corruption kind of system where.
Jeff MacPherson
Yeah, it’s kind of tough, so like they call them common pods or power likes and stuff like that, there’s different ways for viral growth, getting yourself into influencers and stuff like that. I also wanted to be able to create a platform that no matter how far you are into your business or onto Instagram, you could join and have success because there’s a lot of people on Instagram and a lot of people from Facebook that are trying to transfer over that can’t figure it out because it’s different.
Jeff MacPherson
The ads, the ads are different. There’s more people doing it, the the contents, different stuff like that. But if we can teach the content side and somebody knows how to run an ad or reach out to an influencer. Then you can start building that true value, turning sales over, no, you might not grow your followers as fast, but if you’re getting ROI on subscribers and sales, then you can continue to reinvest in the growth side as well.
Jeff MacPherson
You’re going to get again, if you focus on those four types of ROI sales, last subscriber’s followers engagement, your sales will come.
Luis Camacho
So it’s all about building that trust is kind of just thinking of it as a funnel, essentially just getting people to think .
Jeff MacPherson
That’s exactly what it is.
Jeff MacPherson
So you just want to keep fun and keep funneling people to the value that you have and the content that you’re putting up. And because at the end of the day, why should someone give you the time of day? To either engage with you through your direct messaging or on your profile on a picture or something like that, is your content good enough? Does it resonate with them? That’s that’s kind of the emotional pain point that each business needs to hit over and over and over and over again.
Luis Camacho
Jeff MacPherson
But a lot of people just want to jump on. I want to be an influence. Right. One hundred thousand dollars plus. And I’m just going to make money from it while there’s I know a lot of people with hundred thousand follower accounts that don’t know how to monetize. Yeah.
Jeff MacPherson
And I built a tech business with two thousand followers, so you don’t need a big following at all.
Luis Camacho
It just a lot of it actually comes down to having that personalized approach when you just kind of like hop on there and the only thing you do is try to sell, sell, sell, and you don’t provide any sort of value or even just things that people enjoy looking at. Because it’s Instagram, there’s there’s a fine line between whether you’re kind of like coming off as an annoying person on Instagram or actually providing some sort of value that is going to lead you to actually monetizing however that may be.
Jeff MacPherson
Yeah, and the thing is, with even there’s there’s more people like me out there. There’s more people like you out there that just work. How do you separate yourself from that other person to make everybody fall again? It’s just comes down to being different, doing the same thing in the same sort of business, but making yourself stand out that much more provide that much more value. It’s the same it’s the same spiral over and over.
Luis Camacho
Now, what are going back a little bit to the product? What are some of the things that your customers at the moment are really liking the most, like the number one feature that they love?
Jeff MacPherson
One of the best features, I think, especially if you know how to use Instagram stories, are extremely powerful. So it’s it’s one of those growth tools that people can use to start campaigns. So if you’re posting stories all the time, you’re behind the camera. You’re really personalized behind with the business. And you get people to reply to a story that can enter a campaign on a post on your wall. People might not necessarily see it all the time just because the algorithm and stuff like that.
Jeff MacPherson
But in a post you’ve got you get more eyes on it and you can continue to post it over and over and over and over. So that’s one of our most powerful growth tools besides the ads. But the ads are still tricky to figure out in the beginning just because there’s a little bit of friction there with Instagram just kind of testing out the feature. But it’s one hundred percent doable. We’re running it now. It works. It works great.
Luis Camacho
It’s really cool. And how do you how does it work with and this might be getting a little bit too much into the details, but let’s say I post an Instagram or Instagram story with one of the options for voting and whether yes or no or whatever the answer may be. Is there a way to get a specific workflow started once you click one of those now?
Jeff MacPherson
So with with Instagram, they need to message us first. That’s the opt in action. If they comment on our picture or they like our content or they hit one of the stickers on your stories. So what we try and tell people to do is you kind of build up this is what I’m doing, because this is I’m building an Instagram follower to this amount. Would you like to learn how to do do the same thing? Yes or no? Next story if you’ve clicked.
Jeff MacPherson
Yes. Reply with. Instagram, and then then they get into the flow. You’re building a funnel, which then putting them in a funnel and then usually getting them to your funnel.
Luis Camacho
That’s awesome. And as far as just, you know, on the roadmap, what are some of the things that are currently kind of in there, if it’s OK to talk about that?
Jeff MacPherson
Roadmap, meaning that directs for years. What’s what’s kind of on the works. So, again, we’ve got the we’ve got the architecture of the whole platform, so it runs, it’s proven we’ve done that stuff, we’re doing a lot of customization in terms of clients and stuff like that, because, again, what we’re testing out is we want to be as close to the Facebook messenger bots as they’ll allow us, and that’s what we’re building out.
Jeff MacPherson
So we’re doing it on a client basis. But right now we’ve got like the conversation growth tools, the tagging, the broadcasting, the analytics that we’ve got a lot there’s a lot of stuff that people can get going, start building out those flows and really start understanding their their user base, their Instagram followers. Let’s say they don’t have to be followers to become a subscriber. You want to focus on getting them as a subscriber first and then as we continue to roll up the features.
Jeff MacPherson
So like, again, the API, the Web hooks, the different sequencing, different segmentation, starting to kind of get into individual subscriber engagement and started using those it’s filtering. We want to work on shop like e-commerce widgets, like there’s just so many different things that we can do. The easiest way for me to explain is like we’ve got the conversational the analytic side done. The cosmetics is that next big task is for us. And where we’re going with it is Facebook Messenger bots on Instagram.
Luis Camacho
Very cool. That’s definitely simplified. And as far as we’re going to ask, you mentioned essentially the product market fit right now. It’s pretty much there, but you have to do a lot of I think we talked about this before starting the podcast, but did you have to do a lot of research or trying to find the perfect fit if you already know that the product is working? Well, pretty much on a different platform.
Jeff MacPherson
To be honest. No, I kind of just winged it because when I started it two years ago, I didn’t know a lot about chat bots. I’ve kind of heard it a little bit, but didn’t do any research. What I created and what I mentioned before is the seven day follow up, kind of like an email sequence, because this is, again, before chat bots really started to right after all that, that’s when they really started to take off. So then and we ran into some issues with testing and stuff like that.
Jeff MacPherson
And that’s kind of we we we brought in the conversational side because it keeps the flow of the conversation going better. We didn’t want it to turn into email marketing in terms of you only get a small percentage of open. We wanted to keep it like the messenger where know what, 80, 90, 90 percent open rate. That’s where we want to keep it. So that’s why we turned it more into conversation. So if is asking for what you’re giving them.
Jeff MacPherson
They’re going to open it. Yeah, it’s the same concept, same concept Facebook, and that’s where I’ve been super fortunate is like I’m not recreating the wheel and recreating a market. I’m just putting that wheel and market on Instagram, which I believe is going to be a more powerful platform when people figure out how to do it properly. Because what I feel like I’m not an expert, I don’t really like the word, but I do really well.
Jeff MacPherson
It is figuring out the viral strategies, the organic strategies by utilizing tools, because at the end of the day, if you can cut costs for businesses cost and time, that’s a huge business value.
Luis Camacho
Yeah, absolutely.
Jeff MacPherson
That’s what I’ve always focused for myself.
And that’s how I built Direct Heroes. That’s why I built my e-commerce business. That’s how I built heroes. So now that’s all. I’m trying to teach people how to do it for themselves by utilizing one tool in some bit of ads.
Luis Camacho
But it’s just using leverage essentially and creating that with whatever you can.
Jeff MacPherson
That’s and that’s that’s what I try and teach people outside of direct heroes is leverage what you have to get to that next point. If you if you can leverage your time, leverage it, if you’ve got a product, leverage it like e commerce stores, they’re trying to think, OK, well, I need I don’t have enough money for that. But they’ve got ten thousand units in their basement.
Jeff MacPherson
Send out some of those units they’re worth something to exchange them for shoutouts, give them to influencers, give them to people. Then what you can do as well on Instagram is repurpose that stuff for content because people want to see it’s not just like on Instagram, like post a picture of your product and do that over and over and over. And people buy it. They don’t want it’s not that it’s they want to visually see themselves being able to use that product or service.
Jeff MacPherson
That’s where that value comes and that’s where you continue to purchase it. That’s why Instagram stories are super powerful.
Luis Camacho
Yeah, definitely. And as far as pricing goes, I don’t know if I went through the website, I didn’t see any pricing. Is it free right now?
Jeff MacPherson
Now? So we’re going to have a lower entry point for basic basic.
Jeff MacPherson
We’ve I’ve always had a price point, everybody who’s used it since day one is as I always paid for it, I always believe that people paying up front are more likely to work when they actually do join. That’s just kind of that model I’ve always had. I also didn’t want bot builders and marketers, just spammy marketers joining sending out a whole bunch of messages, ruining the platform. We’re going to get into the same sort of marketing and marketing payment plan as the CRM systems and the chat bots where it scales based on subscribers.
Jeff MacPherson
We are going to have a price point to join, whether it be really small. Then as you scale, it will move you into the, let’s say, the pro package and then it will continue to scale with your with your subscribers. But again, same thing. We’re using the same model as, let’s say, Many Chat.
Luis Camacho
Yeah, very cool. And it goes back to not recreating the wheel and just using what’s already been put in place.
Jeff MacPherson
No. And we’re trying to use the same sort of dialogue as well. So I don’t know how many people are on. Many Chat, like there’s thousands of people using chat and there’s a lot of experienced people on Many Chat. So if I can tap into even two percent of those people and get them over into Direct Heroes and they can join and run the platform the same way they would run their menu chat without having any confusion, the support that I’m going to have to deal with as well will be less because it’s just it’s just a seamless process.
Jeff MacPherson
It’s an easy transition.
Luis Camacho
And it’s making sense for everyone, it’s making it easier to actually become a customer.
Jeff MacPherson
We’re just acquiring customers. They’ll just drop significantly. It’s kind of like funnel hacking, but not really. It’s one of those things. It’s just more common sense than anything.
Luis Camacho
Jeff MacPherson
People want to put their own brand on it. I get that we’ve got branding because that’s just how you how your business grows and we’ve got our colors.
Jeff MacPherson
You’ve got certain things that look a different way. But if you can kind of tweak it to make your business look similar to something that you’re competing against or something that’s grown and you’re doing it differently to kind of tap that market. Yeah, it’s just, again, the training process they’re acquiring the customer just make it that much easier for yourself.
Luis Camacho
That’s really cool, man. As far as overcoming things, again, going back to the personal kind of life. What are some of the things that you feel like kind of limit you, if that’s the right word, of kind of putting everything you have on the table?
Jeff MacPherson
I think really, because I came from no tech background at all, came from no money to build a tech business. So in terms of, like, direct limitations that you would see from the outside, like you would say, those are would be the two biggest ones for building a tech business. But I never looked at that at all. I think the only limitation for usually people and people like entrepreneurs and influencers and stuff like this all the time, the real only limitation is yourself and your own belief and what you’re trying to do.
Jeff MacPherson
And if you can overcome that, there really is no limitations because you’ll figure it out. Yeah, you’ll make it work or you’ll do something extra because I don’t have more time in my day than you do.
Jeff MacPherson
So you’ll have the same time. So no, I’m just working 18, 20 hours a day while somebody might only work six or seven.
Jeff MacPherson
And that’s just kind of the the mindset. It’s more of a mindset limitation than anything comes down to ourselves at the end of the day, because there’s money out there like the markets out there. You just got to figure it out.
Luis Camacho
That’s awesome. Do you like to read?
Jeff MacPherson
No, I’m not going to ask a question that the last book I read was Gary V’s second version of crush it. OK, I don’t know if I wrote the second one or the first one.
Jeff MacPherson
It was the first one and crushing it was the second one. I believe you have read it. I read it beginning of last summer. I read a lot of articles and stuff like that. So I’m constantly reading. But in terms of sitting and reading a book, my mind never had a strong reader. I just because I learn differently, I’m more of that visual hands on learner. And I know you’re not reading to learn, but you kind of are to an extent.
Jeff MacPherson
I need to read something that’s. Yeah, I’m not a big reader.
Luis Camacho
No worries on that where can people find you online or actually want a couple more questions.
Luis Camacho
What is a company that you look up to?
Jeff MacPherson
To be honest, Active Campaign, we recently started using them for, obviously, our email marketing side and there’s their support is just fantastic. Maybe they don’t have the best tech product. We haven’t been using it long enough or we haven’t used very many to to kind of give that to a different one.
Jeff MacPherson
But for me, in any business, any product, any service support, I don’t care what the cost is. It supports there. It’s just like for me, Apple, I feel like if I go in the Apple store and I have an issue, it is fixed. Like I just love their support. I won’t switch to just based on that. So I look at businesses for that part first and then kind of how it deals with whatever.
Jeff MacPherson
Because I can get past a bug or an issue and a tech company, if the supports there, it’s like they have free support. You can call them any time. That’s fantastic. Yeah, that’s that’s just the best.
Luis Camacho
And it’s been is it is it human like is it literally human support for versus the real people.
Jeff MacPherson
Real people, that’s pretty good people support it’s super good and the guy that I was talking to, so we unboarded, I had three onboarding calls two weeks apart, and we didn’t have to have. Just let me know if you want to have the call. We can walk through the whole platform again. And he was fantastic. He was great. He would send me all the information I need, walk me through what our business needed at the time.
Jeff MacPherson
And then he said, if you need more information, just book a call. So they have people delegated to this. And then additionally, they have their live support when you’re logged in. And then additionally, they have email support.
Luis Camacho
That’s really cool. That’s awesome.
Jeff MacPherson
Yeah, that’s that’s one of the big ones that I’ve kind of looked up to, especially in the last few months since we started using them and then additionally, like.
Jeff MacPherson
Many chat’s been a huge inspiration for us because I wouldn’t be. Where Director Heroes is without it, yeah, that’s really cool, but yeah, chat for many chat those two. For sure, that’s awesome. And what can people find you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, really? And any of the platforms? Instagram for sure. Obviously, Facebook pretty active on there. That’s where we keep a lot of the business. LinkedIn on LinkedIn. Those are those are the three biggest ones.
Jeff MacPherson
And yeah, people can reach out through through our website and stuff like that. And I usually reach out to everybody when I get a chance. So I’m pretty open for conversation.
Luis Camacho
Yeah, definitely. That’s awesome. Thank you very much for being on it. It’s a pleasure having you and learning a lot more about Direct Heroes and what you’re up to. And honestly, the potential for your company. It looks like there’s going to be a lot of really cool things coming from you guys. And I cannot wait to see what people essentially not just you guys, but just people can ddoeal with this and how businesses are going to thrive by using this tool.
Luis Camacho
So, again, congratulations on just everything you’ve done so far is awesome. And like I said, I told you before, we have on the podcast I’ve been seeing you for a while and I’ve seen ads and I’ve seen people talk about it. So it’s really cool. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to have you on the show.
Jeff MacPherson
No, I really appreciate it. Always good to talk to you.
Luis Camacho
Thank you. And for everyone.